Thursday, April 19, 2012

#HDLG #ChildAbuse :93% of the suspects were never charged. Out of 121 living suspects 8 were charged, how does that stack up.."

The Lions Sleep tonight?

Thursday 6th of January 2011, saw the final conviction(s) of the cases from “Operation Rectangle”. Anthony Jordan was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment and his wife Morag Jordan was given 9 months.

Operation Rectangle, as regular readers will be aware, is/was the police investigation into Child Abuse at State run institutions in Jersey spear-headed by Lenny Harper, Graham Power and their team of dedicated professionals. After Lenny Harper’s retirement and the possibly illegal suspension of Graham Power the investigation was taken over, and some would say “sabotaged” by Mick Gradwell and David Warcup.

The Children’s Home, Haute de la Garenne became its main focus, although there were other institutions such as the Sea Cadets and Blanche Pierre where allegations of abuse were made, but curiously no charges ever brought against the suspects and this is after one of the suspects had a miraculous recovery from a terminal illness!!

We have seen, over the last couple of years, what many of us believe to be, a handful of “show trials” a few lambs fed to the lions in order to keep the statistics of convictions up. In this posting I will just concentrate on the Jordans.

The violence, pain and suffering, that these two individuals inflicted on their victims is/was heinous and inexcusable. I was present at parts of the trial so know of the violence they dished out to the very people (vulnerable children) they were supposed to “care” for….but after listening to the evidence of their victims one could not help thinking these two (the Jordans) have been made more